Thursday, September 24, 2009

Casselman Headstone

Today we placed the headstone at Muriel's grave. We often hear things said about our loved ones gone to Heaven that may not be exactly what is said in the Bible. Like having a new body?  Before the resurrection? Not so sure about that one, but I am at least that sure that she would have been pleased with the monument. It will last, at least until she comes back to get her body to be made anew. It is not too much, and I am sure she would rather a mission agency like Frontiers or Janz Team had the extra money that could have been spent. It really does say more about the Lord than it says about the people -- let's hope and pray that they hear what He is saying instead of what we have said, because what God says is important. It looks right to me in layout, size, balance, etc. I am satisfied with it.

And I have talked with the man who set it up about making Mom's stone more readable, and he says he would like to try to do it. I will give it a good wash and brushing to get rid of the moss and try to have it ready for him.

The stone was ordered from a guy out in the country about 15 or 20 miles north and a bit west of town. He has a sign business and is a handy man. He said he would be there today, so when I got there after dinner he was already there setting up another stone. It was a nice 36" upright, 24" high polished all around an d 6" thick. Beautiful black on a nice grey base. The family name on the back was just "Norbo".  Mrs Martha Norbo died recently so the boys knew she was not here to stop them from honoring the family and they did. Hugh probably won't put up a strong argument.

After that was finished we went over to the other section and put the grey 4" base in place and then the 14" x 36" black pillow as you can see in the picture. It was kind of nice to be doing that kind of work again and knowing that it was done right. He used a glue that means it will be there in the same place as long as the cement is there. And he had his own invented hoist for lifting stones. I am glad it is over so now anybody will be able to find it easily.

Gary, the man who cut the stone and set it up make a remark about it being the last earthly address, and I agreed with him adding that the next one would be Heaven or the other place. I do not really think he is a believer, but I do know he is not an atheist. I have begun to see a little more what that evolutionary world view does to a person after having lived here with one of them. The stupidity of unbelief as shown in the first part of the book of Romans is not an exaggeration. They cannot have a celebration for the armed forced because that would be a conflict of religion with government, but it is OK for school kids to sings hymns to Obama and his healthcare, because that is not religion. Not true religion worshipping the Creator, but it is a false religion. Very difficult to start from a wrong world view and do right things. What we need to pray for for our leaders is not just to be able to make good decisions, for as we say they cannot do it from a wrong world view. What they need to see and do is recognize God as the One who defines righteousness, both now and in the future judgement. It does matter to us, to them, and moreover it does matter to God, for if He says that righteousness exalts a nation then we ought to recognize the corollary that another standard of right is not going to be good for anybody -- except our enem(y)ies.

Love to all

Dad, Opa