Difference or different, which or both?
Of course you noticed that the title has what appears to be a spelling error. It is not an error but a purposeful spelling. Different and Difference are two similar words and they are incorporated in the one word I used.
Today's society seems to want to tell everyone that we have no differences - that we are not different - that we are all the same. This is not true. We are different and we have differences and that is what this blog is about. And these differentces do matter.
And we should be talking about and living like these differences. Those around us may think we can be silent or secret about our religion, but that is not Christianity. It is open to all and we should be too.
God our Creator is different and His Word to us, the Holy Bible, will be the judge and final authority for what the differences are and how they affect us in this world and in the next one. We need to know what God has said.